
DDESolve comes with 3 examples model files: The purpose of this section is simply to specify these 3 models mathematically so that, in conjunction with the 3 files, the reader can see how the different types of model are coded up in practice.

The solv95.h header file is included by these files.

An ODE model

Consider the classic Lokta- Volterra predator- prey model:
P' = aNP - dP
N' = bN - gNP 
where lower case letters are used for model parameters, N is prey population and P is predator population (and typically g>a). The file ode_eg.c codes up this model defining: s[0] as N, s[1] as P, c[0] as a, c[1] as d, c[2] as b, c[3] as g, c[4] as N(0) and c[5] as P(0).

A DDE model

Consider Gurney and Nisbet's (1981) model of Nicholson's (1954) famous1 blowflies:
A' = { - dA(t) t<T
PA(t-T)e-A(t-T)/A0 - dA(t) t &ge T
Where A is the population of adult flies in a laboratory population, T is the development time from egg to adulthood, P is maximum adult fecundity rate multiplied by the survival rate from egg to adult, and A0 is a parameter determining how quickly fecundity declines with adult population.

This model is coded in the file dde_eg.c.

A switched DDE model

This model (again vaguely ecological, but very simplistic for clarity) describes a resource replenished at regular intervals, grazed down by a population of consumers. It is assumed that consumers produce offspring in proportion to how much they eat, but that there is a lag between offspring production and those offspring starting to feed. The resources $ R$ are governed by:
R'= -aRC
except every T time units, when a quantity RA is added to R. The consumer equation is:
C' = { - dC(t) t<T
gC(t-T)R(t-T) - dC(t) t &ge T
where g is the consumer fecundity per unit of resource (over a, strictly), T is the development time and d the per capita death rate. The file sdde_eg.c codes up this model, with the assumption C(0)=1 and R(0)=0.

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  1. If you're an ecologist!